Events Calendar
Important Program Updates:
2020 Wellness Warriors may still take advantage of the events (below) offered to them. Please take advantage of these services through the end of the year! We are excited to be planning the 2021 program and will update here when we know more!
Seminars and Educational Events
Log into Academica. In the 'Resources' box, click 'Employee Resources', click 'Other Resources' then click 'Training, Seminars, Workshops' and scroll down to the "Health & Wellness" and "Wellness Warriors" section.
Flu shots on campus!
Now is the time to protect yourself and those around you by getting immunized. Flu shots are required for anyone coming to campus effective October 15, 2020. They are available at the Campus Health Center (CHC). You can schedule an appointment with the CHC at
FREE diagnostic hearing testing available to all WSU employees.
The diagnostic testing is completely painless and includes the following:
- Audiological case history
- Otoscope examination
- Middle ear testing (includes assessment of eardrum mobility and acoustic reflexes)
- Speech reception threshold
- Air and bone conduction pure tone testing
- Word recognition testing
- Additional testing, if warranted
Schedule an appointment today! Please call the WSU Audiology clinic at 313-577-0631
Aside from various events we put on, your free services include:
Wellness Coaching with Ulliance
Phone: (888) 699-3554
Employee Assistance Prorgram with Ulliance
Phone: 1-800-448-8326
Wellness Warrior Fitness Classes at MHRFC (Scroll to Wellness Warriors section)
Condition Management
Coming Soon!
Nutrition Consultations
Now with evening phone appointments. Make appointment here
Fitness Assessment and Personal Training
Complete the online interest form at:
Please be sure to check the Wellness Warrior box.
You must be a benefits-eligible WSU employee currently enrolled in the Wellness Warriors program to register for events. For more information on any of the programs email